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Like the sound of us?
At Eco Energy & Projects Ltd, we provide solar and energy storage installation services throughout the UK for Commercial and Domestic clients.
We can help businesses reduce their energy overheads by up to 75% with no capital costs with free commercial solar system with a p.p.a agreement . Our team can help to build a sustainable future for your business by installing solar PV, battery storage solutions and infrared heating.
Free Commercial Solar Fully funded
Checkatrade and Napit C&G ,FOX Elite installer
Tel: 07497568082
Mob: 07497568082
ECO ENERGY & PROJECTS LTD, 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ
Featured Works
Fox elite installer
2 roof system 5kw solar and battery
5.6kw solar % battery south facing roof
Solar & battery black panel
Commercial 30kw solar free fully funded solar
50kw solar lease purchased 0 cost upfront
Large commercial site excellent install
15kw commercial solar nice angles on flat roof
Block of flats solar system 3 storey new buils install
3.2kw solar with battery solar working on a cloudy day
5kw solar with battery flat roof system
Alpha award battery storage trianing certificate
Fox elite installer fox elite installer award
Giveenergy approved
Checkatrade approved installer
Alpha battery storage ac coupled battery
Fully funded add
All in one battery storage livotech inverter
Napit ass membership
Pv solar commercial and domestic we offer fully funded solar systems with no capital cost fixed prices ppa
Commercial save up to 80% on your bill with fully funded solar no upfront costs
Solar solutions domestic and commercial with no upfront costs
Main distributor for new revenue stream new revenue stream giving you £450 per yr for 10yrs