Solar Photovoltaic Panels Explained

Solar panels are a form of active or direct solar power. They've been around for sixty years and, with development ever increasing on the functionality of them, are seen as one of the future sources of alternative energy for businesses and households.

The panels are made up of solar cells, or photovoltaic cells, arranged in grid-like patterns which collect sunlight during the daytime and convert it into electricity.

They are traditionally made from crystalline silicon and gallium arsenide which is produced only for photovoltaic cells and collect solar power from the sun and coverts that energy into electricity. The solar cells within the panel function in a similar way to that of semiconductors - they utilize a large-area p-n junction diode. When the cells are exposed to sunlight the p-n junction diodes convert the energy from sunlight into usable energy.

Solar PV panels are a renewable energy source so there is no danger of depleting its reserves. They're also non-polluting and cause no harm to the atmosphere.

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